Fallen Bollards
In a way, they sum up how I feel about today. I got up at 7.15 am, early for me, and got ready to Cecily to the surgery for my twelve weekly B12 injection. Except that I'd forgotten to take the medication with me. Tony booked me an appointment for 11 am if I returned with the phial. I suggested to Tony that a reminder about the medication could go out with the text message reminding me about the appointment. Oh no, that's another agency altogether and nothing really to do with the NHS.
Except that when I got home, I couldn't find the medication anywhere in the cupboard and had to phone to cancel the appointment. The receptionist told me to come to the surgery to order it, which she could easily have done over the phone EXCEPT there's a policy about renewing prescriptions over the phone.
I Cecilied back home and couldn't think of anything better to photograph than these bollards which had collapsed on Forest Street since well before Christmas. Whose responsibility is it to put them upright?
Bright blue sky, but bitter cold. Len finally mentioned something about going out but it had just gone 2 pm and I thought I'd much rather watch the end of the YouTube video of The Valkyrie. I've seen much better endings of the opera on YouTube when Wotan bids farewell to Brünnhilde. It's really touching and sad.
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