Onwards and upwards....

By Yana1

3699. Back Blips all done!

I have now completed most of the missing entries from 2020 which was a terrible year for us as a family so there were lots of days when even if I took a photo, I didn't have the enthusiasm to upload it due to the circumstances. In completing this task it has taken me back almost 5 years to parts of my life that were traumatic at the time and I realise that I came through it, not without a significant cost but somehow we all managed to carry on with our lives.

There are still some gaps and my numbering system has gone haywire but hopefully from this point forward the numbers of photos I have will match the number uploaded to Blip!

As we face some new and difficult challenges this year, I am hopeful that, in time we will all reach a peaceful place.  I am going to try and continue doing my usual Blips every day, because it always gives me some pleasure, just taking photos and for a while I found doing a daily photo a chore.  I have renewed my membership, (I had let it lapse) and I am trying hard to focus on the new year with a positive outlook.

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