
By WeeDragon_J

Tree Trunk

Local tree catching the afternoon low sun. Like the different textures of the bark caught in sunlight.

Wee penguin walk to the post box and back, 2 cards posted one a reply another Xmas thank you. Lost the art of letter writing, must get back to it with less contact with less being out about.

White ice pavements today & a few patches of icy stuff left from 2 days ago. Meant to get colder tonight, hope you are all okay. Turned my heating up a notch and a couple of radiators up then will definitely need it up overnight too.

Water too thick on water bowls so just had to put warm water on top and hope the birds take what they need before it freezing again.

Put some old bread out for pigeons & magpies to fight over. Seed up in containers and hopefully wee birds will access that.


Chat with benefits advisor today on how to update Adult Disability Payment (ADP) - Scottish version of PIP. And how to update bus pass - which can’t use at moment but maybe in future.

Lots of things are online now so don’t see what was written before or nor updates. And technology, me and forms don’t go but I can get help with this advisor if I need it or can email questions too.

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