nogbad's blips

By nogbad


There was a thread about MSG on the socials today, so I thought that I'd use mine for a bit of blippage.

I'm of the generation brought up to fear "Chinese restaurant syndrome", many illnesses were blamed on MSG in Chinese food. This was the term coined in a letter to the New England Journal of Medicine in 1968.  This has been thoroughly debunked, the underlaying reason for the claims made was racially motivated, but MSG remained something that was to be distrusted. 

About 10 years ago there was push-back and MSG started to lose its undeserved reputation, Anthony Bourdain said that he thought that is was great in one of his wonderful Parts Unknown programmes - and he knew about food and cooking. It's naturally occuring in many foods, including seaweed, tomatoes, and cheeses.

So I've had some in my kitchen for a fair while, and here it is.

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