
By Hamp5on

Back to school...for some

We had an awful night with Nate who was throwing up throughout the night. Poor poor kid. Obviously he didn't go to school today, and I don't think he will tomorrow. He's not been sick since this morning, but also not eaten really yet either. We'll give him a day to get back to normal.
Susanna left today, she's been here since Christmas Eve, it will feel strange not to have her around, and strange to sleep in our own room again too!
So it's been an odd day... But Asha's return to school was fine, and I got some things sorted for Lighthouse church. Plus we walked down the Port with Nate this evening so he could have some air and a change of scenery, and that meant I got a blip too!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Starting a new rhythm with church, midweek prayers at 7am on zoom. It was a good way to start the day together. Though I was shattered after a no sleep night!
2) Nate seeming better as the day went on.
3) Susanna making it back to Switzerland safely. 

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