Wild Oats

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We stumbled across this farm on a small drive this afternoon, I love getting lost & discovering new places in the 1000 miles of lanes in the county of Devon - it has more single track lanes then any county in England & I could believe it! This was an ancient farmstead with proper small fields & wide hedgerows & in it glided swallows, yellowhammers sung from the wires & cinnabar moths munched on ragwort - I wish it hadn't been so grey & grim!

Further a long the lane & we had to stop suddenly for a pheasant chick in the middle of the lane, I got out & scooped it up in my hand - birds have no sense of smell, so mum or siblings won't be able to smell me - we walked along the lane to put it back in the field it came out of... I didn't hear mum nor any brothers or sisters & the thought of taking it home did flash across my mind, but it didn't last, no way can we bring up a baby pheasant & it will probably die anyway, so we left it in the field, hoping for the best, but to have this little chirping ball of fluff in my hands was just so adorable... but what we did was the most sensible, least I hope it was!

In the same field of this blip photo....

It's good to be a swallow

Grey day, felt pretty sick this morning, but had to go to town to pick up a painting, buy some jewellery supplies & buy myself something to make me happy.... did I? Nah I came home & supported handmade & bought something on Etsy instead! :) xxx

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