People on a Bridge

By zerohour

Boom Boom Boone

Meet professor Kofi Boone, a steady, wise, and supremely kind presence in our lives for the past 13 years.

Kofi does amazing things with his students, including service-learning projects in Ghana, and social and environmental justice projects in Durham, NC. He gives voice and power to his students, making them realize that their point of view matters. Through their unique lens and their designs they tell the story of others the way no one else can.

The thing I love about Kofi most, is his genuine interest in other people. While I know a large number of people who believe what they know and say is the most interesting thing ever, I know very few who actually make it their mission to ask, LISTEN, and attempt to understand others' point of view. Kofi is one of them. If there were such thing as anti-narcissism, it would have Kofi's picture attached.

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