
By KCNQ2Haiku


The brook in the 'Bleak'
midwinter!  No winds but tiff
over use of Bleak :-)

So it has been quite cold.  It snew.  And then didn't really warm up all day, Older teen's school shut at 8:30 much to his glee and Ben was in today but they've already announced the closure for tomorrow.  Older teen will still be off too.  I took Leo to the brook and it was so lovely, crisp and snowy, grey and murky, lots of mist.  I took some photos and then Mr KCNQ2Haiku and I went for lunch (lovely treat after the Christmas/Birthday mayhem) I showed him the photos and said it was fabulously Bleak, which he thought couldn't be a good term and that by definition it had to be a negative description.. we looked it up and I must admit I couldn't find any evidence that anyone else in the universe uses the word the way I do :-D but I think a Nice, Bleak Landscape is a Good Thing.  Maybe this says more about me than anything else!
Anyway, never mind, I'm mainly distracting myself from the three day weekend with Ben and trying to remain Upbeat.. maybe my weekend will be Bleak??!  And who knows if that's a positive or not?!
Other stuff?  Yesterday was lost to a minor health scare, as my vein ablation thing last year turns out to have removed a vein but installed a blood clot :-/ They say I have no other risk factors and the blood thinning meds should shift it in a few months so we're at 'stand down' in the panic levels but it was a day I could have lived without it..
Hoping for 2025 to pull its socks up a bit now please! 

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