
By peterdawson28

Round robins...

I can't remember when I last went for a walk on Wimbledon Common, or visited the adjacent Canizaro Park, and these are both places where I spent a huge amount of time as a kid. I guess that work, life and changing priorities have just got in the way over the years, but after today I don't intend to leave such a long interval before my next visit.

My return to the Common almost didn't happen when my camera flew out of my backpack as I ran to catch a bus. It's a testament to the build quality of the Canon R7 body and the RF24-70 lens that they will shrug off being bounced in the middle of the street and carry on without complaint - although I wouldn't recommend you trying this yourself!

I wasn't very successful in capturing much wildlife during my walk, but a recurring theme was that robins kept on turning up wherever I went, and let's face it they are amongst the most photogenic of British birds. So here, in reverse order of appearance are three of the little red breasted lovelies - as it's a new year I'm going all in with using my extras!

You can find shots of some other stuff by following the link

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