A day in the life

By Shelling


Christmas left during the morning and is replaced by something different. It didn't take long, my Christmas decorations are not many, mostly inherited from my parents families. The tradition says that Christmas is over on the 13th of January, my fathers day. His name was Knut and the day is called "tjugogondag Knut", 'twentieth day Knut', twenty days after Christmas. 
I just consulted Wikipedia about the origin of this tradition; apparently it's in celebration of a Danish Duke, called Knut, who died 7th of January 1131, on the day when Christmas was believed to be over. During the 16 hundreds, Christmas was prolonged with a week and Knuts name-day was moved to the 13th in stead. So, for me the 9th will do. 

All snow is gone but during my walk I passed this puddle, still with some ice left on it. We've had plus-degrees for some time now but this puddle has survived. Tomorrow we're promised a proper snowstorm with hard winds and temperatures just below zero. I'm invited to a sauna-evening and dinner with my old friends in Skogsby, 3,5 km away. 
I'm planning to use my bicycle to get there. That will be interesting.

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