Anne's Daily Encounters

By dutchdelight

Fishing for Sweet Dreams

Thank you all lots for your visits and reactions! Much appreciated.

Today was a bit hectic; the appointments Sweetheart couldn't fulfil earlier this week, were done today alright; that costed us till 2-ish mid-day. And then after dinner, what's about 3-ish I set out to visit a friend of old times (she's a widow since two years and lost her Benjamin and one and only son not even 100 days later as well). It pleased me to see she copes alright with her losses... luckily she has her two daughters in the neighbourhood here and their families; her grandchildren. They give her great comfort and zest for life!  
Apart from visiting my friends of old times,I am so happy that my Benjamin is here and sees his papa on a daily basis; not just see, but share talks! So important they do this! I mean, our Benjamin grew up with me, far away from his papa, and altho' they did see one another whenever we got here to visit him/my ex, the contacts they have now, are so precious! I'm not involved, just know they share talks and precious time together! 

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