Meeting Oliver
Today was book club day at Sandy's house in a town north of here...It was a beautiful, sunny, but cold day..with no snow squalls in the forecast...perfect for driving. Whew, as it was my turn to drive....
The highlight of the book club meeting was not the book, but the new cat that Sandy is adopting!
The previous owner is fastidious about the home Oliver will go to, so Ollie is there on a trial basis until the owner knows for sure it is the right place for his beloved cat...he is to return shortly for another inspection!
Well, there is no question that Ollie is happy to be there! And what an adorable and loving cat he is - full of curiosity about his new abode, exploring every nook and cranny; he has already discovered his favourite place in the sunny dining room window, the perfect perch from which to watch the birds! On top of all that, he is most welcoming to visitors like us! He does not make strange, but feels right at home with strangers.
I do hope that Ollie's previous owner will see that all is well and let this adoption go forward.
Maggie, as expected, was not all that amused that I was featuring another cat in my posting today, but she relented as she too was impressed by Oliver's good looks ...heh heh...but she did insist on at least being included in the extras...She has not noticed yet that the only and therefore "best" photo that I had taken of her was this one! (extra)..Not the most flattering...but that's my girl!
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