I took my old Commodore 64 out of storage last autumn. As well as using the actual computer I can also use an emulator on my regular PC to run the same software. I've managed to copy a load of files from my real floppy disks and its now easier to use them on the emulator than my old C64. To play games on my regular PC I do really need some kind of joystick to play the games.
I don't play PC games on my PC, so I've never had a joystick on my PCs. So for Xmas I bout myself this little 8BitDo SN30 pro, joypad/joystick controller. It's more sophisticated than I need as the Commodore 64 only has a simple digital joystick with up, down, left, right and fire, it doesn't do anything else. It does work and I can now play games under the emulator again...
Other joysticks are available...
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