Explore, Dream, Discover

By Snowcycle

Pentland Hills Panorama

A bitterly cold day. Glad the house has triple glazing and cavity wall insulation, as well as fixing the sealant around the windows back in early December. A different walk as we head up to a park nearer the Pentland Hills. Quite crunchy underfoot, the pavements haven't been cleared of snow and ice as they are not on a main route to a school. Photo taken from a small park near the bypass. On the way back we come across an elderly lady who was bleeding from a cut on her forehead, she was standing when we found her, and was compos mentis. She had slipped on the ice and hit her head on a wall. Thankfully, no sign of any concussion. As she wanted to get home as her husband has Parkinson's, we opted to walk her slowly home. We left her strict instructions what to do if she felt unwell, then we headed home for lunch. We were reluctant to leave her on her just in case it was serious, but we understand that she is elderly and doesn't know who we are.

After work, partner is waiting for a parcel, so I go for a wee daunder on my own. The temperature has dropped quite considerably. Nice colours on the western horizon.

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