Capital adventures

By marchmont

KK Day 1 - around the city

The time difference and evening meetings means I'm falling behind with blips. 

It was a day of coming and going and a lot more walking than I anticipated, about 13k. 

After breakfast I set off to explore and find a tour company. It was a beautiful, hot sunny morning. Started with the waterfront and Mall, seen better days, over the road. There was a bit of going and froing to the hotel but I eventually found the right tour and booked two tours. 

First lemon tea of the day then continued on north. The aim to get to the Floating Mosque at Likas. Had a wander round a Mall with both Santa Claus and the God of Prosperity outside. Malls have both AC and toilets. Then another wee break at Jesselton Pier, the starting point for trips to the islands. KK used to be Jesselton. It was flattened during WW2, by both sides, and it's now very built up and busy and still being developed. Population about size of Glasgow.

After the pier it was well after lunch so roti paratha and lemon tea in a café before onward to get back to the sea. Men were fishing and there was a path/bikeway to Likas. I could see the Mosque but it was another 2 kms so I gave up and Grabbed the rest of the way.

Paid my RM5, cash, to get into garden and to take photos and then it rained. Sheltered while I waited for my return Grab and by the time  he arrived the rain had stopped! Typical.

Back at the hotel it was straight to the pool for a refreshing swim. Despite the signs about only swim clothes, no T shirts, one Chinese woman was fully dressed, pool shoes, leggings, shorts, long sleeved, high necked top, swim cap, sun hat! Had a good swim and lay in the sun watching the planes (we're right under final approach to KKIA) until the sun dipped behind the neighbouring building. It's dark by 18.40 here.

Back in the room took some sunset pics, watched Call the Midwife, then over the road for fried fish with mango, rice and morning glory and my 3rd lemon tea. RM51 (£10 approx), cash. Had a drink in the bar before going upstairs for my meeting with H and K and then watched Silent Witness before sleep. Early day tomorrow. 

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