Mr Cool
Snapping cyclists this morning in the sun. Some would say he was a hipster; me I just reckon it's natural cool (probably aided by the fact he looks a little mediterranean and so this kind of 'relaxed in the sun' look comes naturally).
Better day, then drumming in the evening. Strangely this seems to lessen the ache in my shoulder/back, which is proving troublesome at the moment. Two and a half weeks after the fall from grace it shouldn't still be giving me gyp. And the length of time means it's not a flare up of the pericarditis I originally thought. Basically going to have to go to the doc to ask if I can get an x-ray, and hope to hell it ain't the collarbone (dno't think it's the right place); and is preferably just a cracked rib, or even better some badly strained muscles or ligaments. Though having ridden forty odd miles last Saturday I'm kinda hoping it's a kudos-giving injury. Geraint Thomas eat your heart out...
More seriously it's slightly worrying with only 6 and a bit weeks to go till the Bealach Mor. Might be the initial training won't get added to much before the big day (I'm not riding to work at the moment basically because of this).
Heston Blumenthal on his bike
Green Hoody
Hatched Turn
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