
By SparseRunner


Before leaving for Edinburgh, this morning I had to walk Django, clear a thick layer of frozen snow from the car, pack some baby equipment into the boot, pack Django's requirements, and have a shower. I parked at Holyrood Palace, for a rendezvous with И and A. We then had a grand tour of Arthur's Seat and Salisbury Craigs, marking A's first climb up the hill. Although it was cloudy, the residual mist over the city gave it an atmospheric "Auld Reekie" appearance. Leaving the car, we walked to Newington for beer and food in the "Dog House", a dog-friendly vegan bar. Django was the only dog there, but there was a man with two ferrets on leads.

I then went over to daughter K's flat, where I left Django so I could attend a dinner at colleague J's flat to celebrate his 65th birthday. I handed over the baby equipment that will be useful when his son next visits with their granddaughter.

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