Capital adventures

By marchmont

KK Day 4: Retail therapy and rain

I woke up just before 8, the latest for ages. I must have needed it.

After a hybrid breakfast, nasi lemak and hash browns, I set off for Gaya Street and the Sunday Market. Bought some souvenirs and presents and worried about some v small kittens. The blip is of the crystals being purged of their energy in a singing bowl. 

Had a look at the Atkinson Clock Tower, under refurb, and the War Memorial in the City Park. It started to rain as I walked back and managed to drop my purse as I took out my umbrella. Luckily a lovely man picked it up and caught me as I went into a mall. The benefits of being the only white woman around.

It rained, tropical grade, all afternoon. I went to the bar to listen to my book and have a G&T, so had a Singapore Sling. Couldn't have a second one as no more pineapple juice. Mojito substitute followed. Also checked flights to Majorca followed by a call to Y to finalise. 

It was still bucketing down when I had to go out for food. I sloshed my way to Imago, bought nail polish at Sephora, changed my mind about Madam Kwan's and ended up in SOULed OUT, trying to avoid the very loud live music. 

Apart from a bit of an issue with #3 son is been a very relaxing day.

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