That'll do...

By LizMBpics


I wasn't able to get out for any frost photos yesterday, but I just managed to catch some golden light this morning. The light was beautiful but it was bitterly cold.

I went out onto my local field/rec, but the beauty was more in the scene as a whole. (See phone extra) Despite taking my macro lens and extension tubes, it was hard to isolate detail when everything was covered in a thick frost layer and with same type of spiky ice crystal.

I ended up in back garden (which seemed to be a degree or two warmer). Even though they are dormant, my maples just keep on giving, photographically speaking. The ice crystals on these Koto-no-Ito leaves (left from the autumn) were a bit more delicate and artistic than elsewhere and really seemed to accentuate the frozen curls of the leaves.

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