Pictorial blethers

By blethers

Let’s party ..

A non-stop day sees me blipping this in bed before 11pm - though I shall have to get out of it again to clean my teeth! It began as usual on a winter Sunday in the freezing church where at last we were able to announce the appointment of our new Rector, with the People’s Warden reading out the official letter from our Bishop and a message from our Rector-elect, the Reverend David Rushton (another David!) from Durham. I preached on the baptism of Christ - the very compressed nature of the lectionary still takes me by surprise.

After that it was home for a heat and some lunch before going for the ferry and the drive to Edinburgh. That’s where this photo of our whole family was taken, at a simply lovely party for Himself’s birthday last week. There was a lovely dinner and a fantastic cake with a giraffe on top and a great deal of hilarious banter from the teenage grandchildren. When did they all get so witty? I laughed till the tears ran down my face.

And that, O Best Beloved, is why I’m more or less flat out in bed blipping on my phone with a mug of peppermint tea for company!

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