The view

I had hoped to get up to Happy Jack to ski but I was too nervous to drive up there. It is a stretch of Interstate that really climbs and the roads can be bad. Last night the interstate closed for quite a while due to an accident related to the weather. It's frustrating to have the area so close and then I get nervous to get up there. I might try to go up mid week right after school. I think the weather might be better.
Anyway, I went up for a hike on Pilot Hill. I wore grippers on my boots for a little more traction. Honestly, I could have used my snowshoes for most of the hike, there is enough snow up there. But I hiked through it and it was a great workout. The wind was blowing pretty good too. I loved the light though and I could see the snow lit up on Jelm Mountain and a face of Sheep mountain.
My extra is showing the trail that the rabbit decided to use.

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