Planet man adventures

By rowanhagdorn


curtain, skull banana and shut shop. Department stores in the UK mostly died a death years ago. In Germany this chain is one that continues to limp on. Many of it's shops closed down, the spaces sit empty awaiting a new purpose. 

The skull banana was just cool. Walked through an arty part of town where grafitti and ghost signs provided an interesting backdrop. 

The electric curtain was part of an exhibition relating to climate change. I was reminded of a colourful plastic one my neighbour had when I was wee, I think it was colourful. 

The most thought provoking part of the installation was a bright orange scene depicting cave style paintings at the top followed by a radiation can, skull and crossbones and the fire exit person running. It was an attempt to communicate to future generations about the dangers of the nuclear waste that politicians want to bury in the ground. It was painted onto a glass window. The question about how to communicate danger to future generations was fascinating. 

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