
By Stuart46


As a committed Christian I’m not ashamed of sharing the message that God has given us through His word (being the Bible)
Todays photo is about yesterdays message in our church.
It was about Christ being the I AM
From left going round CHRIST.
1: I am the bread of life John 6: 35. (A bread roll)
2: I am the light of the world. John 8: 12  (a flame)
3: Ian the resurrection and the life John 11:  25 (The cross)
4: I am the gate John 10: 7. (A stone)
5: I am the way the truth and the life John 14: 5 (map)
6: I am the good shepherd John 10: 11  (sheep)
7: I am the true vine John 15: 1. (Grapes)
These are the 7 references the Bible says that Christ is the I AM
I done the painting of Christ and the seven objects are what we used in our meeting to illustrate the message

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