It rained today, for around 15 minutes! I raced to get a camera to record it. Hehe. The morning passed quickly with several things being put in place, the biggest of which was to pay for the repairs that the Volvo has had so far. The bill wasn't as high as I thought it would be. Phew. I've asked the garage if they can help finish the work. At the moment, there isn't much of a dashboard and the a/c doesn't work. The stereo and the speakers have been removed. I am guessing they are in the boot. The person who I've been liaising with didn't see the car when it was taken in and hadn't realised that it came in intact!
I wanted to go to Global Village in the evening, not wanting to miss out on any of the cooler weather we are having, but alas, it will have to wait. I went to my hairdresser instead. She's leaving for a couple of weeks to celebrate her parent's 50th wedding anniversary!
It's the time of the year when it's possible to sleep with the windows open through the night, instead of using the a/c for cooling. It's great for the environment and saves on electricity, but there is also a lot of noise outside, not least by the mosques at dawn, so I was up several times. I think I will opt for a quieter night tonight.
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