Why did I come in here?

By Bootneck

Chinese Banana

The Garden Fairy, who is STILL out shopping with Fang, promises me this is known as a Chinese Banana. After many years it has not only produced many young but now after the mild winter and very warm spell seems about to produce something spectacular........or it may just be a stumpy load of new leaves.

I remain my usual optimistic self. :-))

In other news. The Grandsprog is well again. Had a lovely warm moment with him in the car as I took him home, he was smiling at me, and I told him, "You're doing alright for a little fellow." He was absolutely thrilled with a 'chuck up'. (Bootneck slang for congratulation - 'Up Chuck' is quite another thing.)

PS To JazzyB, this is another thing you can do with the macro lens, it's brilliant for portraits. :-)

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