Skating by...
...on not much sleep today. Last night was busy, think I did a dozen EKGs right in a row in triage, bunch of IVs, then a change of scene in different parts of the ER. The hospital was completely full; no one being admitted could move upstairs, so we boarded patients in our overflow section.
Stayed awake this morning for a haircut appointment, then got a text that the work crew would begin in half an hour on the front steps project. Got a little sleep, then taught (oversaw?) a fun piano lesson to little S, who is so smart and funny.
This is the caretaker house of the Goose Creek Friends. This morning (pre hair appointment) I drove through Lincoln, where it's located along with the meeting house across the street, and other lovely old houses, and the elementary school our kids attended.
Off to bed, floating in our warm house under the chilly wolf moon!
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