secret garden

By freespiral

Fairy tree

Today we have been in the fog and it's warm, 12C,  We ventured around the circuit and met not a soul but it was quite pleasant nonetheless though visibility was low
The cat and I had a wander around the estate and I thought the glass offerings on the fairy tree might be suitable for the TT challenge of hard/solid. They withstand all weathers and make a nice tinkle in the breeze. The tree is also adorned with glass fish, lots of ribbons and some metal hearts! Keeping the fairies sweet.
Enjoy Alan Stivell and some gnarly chaps letting rip with King of the Fairies 
I'm now going down an Alan Stivell rabbit hole, I loved his music. We were given one of his LPs ( remember them!) as a wedding present. Gosh, he's 81 now.

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