
By PorridgeWog

Leaf (Day 3536)

My day started with a trip to town to collect some bits, then off to Evie to replace some failed components on a mains pressure hot water system. Apart from the house being uncomfortably warm, everything went really well until I noticed that the drain tap for the cylinder was leaking. I hadn't used it, as they tend to leak if you look at the wrong way, but sorting the leak meant standing around for 45 minutes or so while the cylinder drained. Changing the knackered washer which was causing the leak took around 5 seconds. Such is life.
Back home I got changed and took Sigyn out for a wander. It seemed sensible to head out in waterproofs as it looked like rain wasn't far away. Typically it didn't rain and I got far too warm.
Back home for an afternoon of not much apart from awaiting the return of my beautiful wife from her adventures all over Orkney.

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