Around the Block

By Barrioboy

Everyday Paraty

We inevitably find our ways to the real life of places away from the historic centres. Paraty with 45,000 inhabitants has a lot going for it and we found the main everyday life area centred around the bus station today.

This included a hidden 'spit and sawdust' bar in a tiny ramshackle market (centre shot) where we had sat with Colleen 21 years ago on the hottest, sweat-pouring day of our lives with the coldest, most welcome beer you could ever imagine!  Great to find it again!

Lunch was a wonderful moqueca casserole stew with white fish, tomatoes, peppers, onions and dende oil, along with white rice and meal of the trip at Chafariz!

Last beer before the rendezvous at the bus station to catch the bus 'On the Road to Rio!

Extra adds some detail...

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