michigan man

By outdoorguy

40 Days and 40 Nights

It's been an eventful 40 days. My 1st surgery was on December 5th, and I was hoping that it would be my last. But after 32 days, I just wasn't feeling any better. Sweats and chills, night sweats, no appetite, 4-5 hour naps, etc., etc.

Then on Jan, 6th, my temperature went to 103 and my pulse went to 132. Wife-nurse Lisa called daughter-nurse Julie, and they double-teamed me. THEY DOUBLE-TEAMED ME! 2 hours later we were in the emergency room. After a CT scan, it was not good news. I had a leak in my colon, and I was harboring an infection, A second surgery was scheduled for Wednesday the 8th.

I would love to insert here that everything went swimmingly, but it didn't. My surgeon said that my colon was in spots rock hard, and in other spots very mushy, and he couldn't reattach it. So, after finally waking up that afternoon, i was greeted by a catheter and a colostomy bag on my tummy. SURPRISE!

The next few days are a blur. Football games on TV, and  Jello, broth, and hot tea to "eat", I had IV's coming out of both wrists, and a drainage tube coming out of my belly. I hated to see 10-11 p.m. coming, because I knew that I would not be sleeping.

So, is there anything good to come out of this story? I had some wonderful nurses, including 2 that I would like to point out. Kyle and Tristan were marvelous and so very helpful. I had the chance to sink down into the depths, but they wouldn't let me. Also, of course, my own nurse Lisa was daily by my side, and some of those days all I could do was sleep. She is my Rock, and I do love her so.

I am trying to remain optimistic and am SO GLAD to be out of the hospital. I hope my own bed welcomes me home tonight and I can get a good night of sleep.

Thanks to my Blip friends  for your concerns. Fellow blippers Shelley (Naturelover) and Al came up to visit us at the hospital and she urged me to post something, but I just didn't have it in me to do it. 

Here's to better days.

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