Toots in Solitude

By Toots

I popped into town early to buy a bit of M&S food and had a quick flick through some sales rails while I was passing. I saw a viscose Jaeger blouse greatly reduced and thought I'd buy it knowing I could easily return it if necessary.
My last port of call was to go to Boots for a few things for Donald. Beeeeep, Beeeeep went the door when I entered, I thought it must be someone else at fault and carried on upstairs to get the few things on my list. Of course when I went to exit the door beeped again. Security guard took my Boots purchases and scanned them, looked at my other shopping, lots of M&S food. I'd completely forgotten about the blouse. However on unpacking at home I found that the assistant had not taken off the tag when I bought the blouse. I'll have to go to town again tomorrow to get them to remove it. Blinking Henry, nuisance! 

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