A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

Garden highlight

It’s been a lovely day. Dry, sunny, no wind, perfect for getting into the garden.

Prompted by finding the snowdrops yesterday as the snow melted we went out to do some cutting back and tidying. I only wore a fleece jumper and gilet though everything was obviously wet. 
I cut back the Pasque Flower foliage and discovered they are full of buds. Likewise the Hellebores, lots of buds made visible by removing the biggest leaves.
Chris cut back the fuchsias ( I always leave those to him)  and now we gave a bed full of Spring promise that we can clearly see.
Lots of snowdrops visible which will be followed by crocus and then the Pasque Flowers.  There is blue showing on the early crocus in the Magnolia bed but they are still tiny.

I did a bit in the front garden cutting back spent Sedum plants and removing soggy Montbretia, a job I hate, and found the lawn very wet and spongy. 

In all we filled two bags before coming in for coffee. 

The garden highlight at the moment, especially against the blue sky today, is the Yellow Witch Hazel ( Hamamelis). The red one alongside it is also in flower but they are very tiny flowers, this replacement shrub is definitely not the same variety as the previous one which, as I have seen from past blips, usually flowered before the yellow one and definitely equalled it in flower size.  Still it’s not dead.
A good day for mid January.

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