
By LadyFindhorn

I Am Not Fooled

Had I not known better, I might have thought it to be an April day today. My scarf and gloves were quickly discarded on a morning where the world sparkled in sunshine and warmth. What a joy sunshine and a little bit of heat brings to us northern mortals in the middle of winter after a particularly cold spell. I am under no illusion that this lovely day is a harbinger of spring, not when it’s still January, and goodness knows what is in store before we do get to the real April days, but the weather today certainly cheers the soul.

 A sunny day is perfect for pottering, inside and out. The scaffolding has been up on the front of the building for 3 months while the drainage on the balconies is fixed. The firm involved have a work ethic that leaves much to be desired, working 2days a week if we’re lucky but  not having been here at all this week. The patio is a mess of rubble and my poor plant pots which I dragged as near to the house as possible are covered  in cement dust. At times like this when you are not in charge of any of the work and people constantly tell you different time scales  you feel helpless. I’ve written numerous letters in my head to people involved but yet to pen one. What I really want to write in capital letters is YOU ARE HAVING A LAUGH!

On my walk back across the Meadows at lunch time I spotted this little pink chair in the garden of the Pavilion Café on Melville Drive. It fell into the Blip can.

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