
By WeeDragon_J


After hospital Appt today we went for tea & cake in South Queensferry. Afterwards we went for a walk along the side of the River Forth.

On the way back John spotted a seal head being nosey and watching then it disappeared under. Tried to get a quick Blip but so tiny compared to the Forth Bridge in background.

Low afternoon light giving interesting texture to Forth Bridge and could see the hills far beyond. All the snow gone from the hills as temperatures have risen over last couple of days.


Respiratory Clinic at WGH

Dr Respiratory has signed off as happy on recovery from blood clots in right leg & the lung one thankfully was small.

Still have to stay on blood thinners for evermore (changing from jags to tablets) as cancer & treatment increase possible risk of having another clot.

Only back to this clinic if any concern from Dr Oncology or GP J.

Some good news!

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