It's A Minute To Midnight

By Draco

95.3% waning Gibbous

That'll be last for a while as its the Big weekend in London to come.
Tomorrow though its the drive to Minehead to hook up with Paula and Stuart then we are getting coach to London Hammersmith at 7am Friday morning.
What a stressful week though
Had another cold sore throat last week up until yesterday
A friend has had to back out of London due to a very ill pet.
Computer is a nightmare and slow so I wont be able to edit half what I take in London! 
Car has had issues and today the engine management light came on and had to limp to an unknown garage to get them to look at it as i'm driving to Minehead tomorrow!!!!!!
Apparently its because I dont drive it far enough in the week so Garri will have to start taking it to his job as he has an hour drive to work and an hour back every day!
Modern vehicles!!! do my head in!!
Nothing but stress.
I've got to pack and get ready now ....see you after London


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