Capital adventures

By marchmont

Fuzzy field

The only photo taken today and it's very blurry as it was through glass.  Nearly 9 p.m. and the kids at Gardens still playing sports.

After not a good night's sleep I did quite a lot of catch up admin in the morning and eventually had brunch after 1.  Than a trip to Jaya for essentials and back to eventually have a swim.  Quick one as the water was cold after last night's heavy rain and it started raining at 4.30.

Didi some more photo sorting and eventually went over to HK at 5.30.  Amelia was still doing Chinese.  Chatted to Olivia and the #1 son for a bit until WH came home bearing the Wok Hey.

More chatting and then I came home and did some Ancestry research for E.  I've also been researching a themed holiday in Bali next month, once the girls go back to school.

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