Getting the sparkle back

By DomesticGoddess

First snowdrop blip

These aren't the first snowdrops I've seen, just my first blip. It looks as if there will be crocuses and daffodils to come a bit later. Seen on my usual walk round the block on a day that was almost spring-like. I've heard great tits doing their "teacher, teacher, teacher" song over the last couple of days which is a bit worrying as it's nowhere near time to think about nesting. Perhaps they are just tuning up after their long break. 

I spent most of today on my quilting piece which I blipped yesterday and I'm delighted that I've got it as far as I need to for Sunday's workshop. My brain is feeling decidedly mushy so I hope it will cope with tomorrow's workshop on free motion embroidery. However, I can have Saturday off from sewing - and maybe do some reading - I need to have finished my book by Wednesday afternoon in time for my literature class. What a hard life I lead!

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