Cockle Shell.

After torrential rain yesterday it was extremely hot today. We went to walk Eddie at the park,but before we'd got much further than the entrance I heard H shouting for me. She was scooting down the main drive as I walked Ed across the grass. Along the edge of the path it was covered in leaves, concealing a drain cover, when her wheel went straight into it and flipped her over to the floor. A couple of people were stood nearby to make sure someone came to her. She looked an absolute state poor thing, with dirt and grazes from her knees, all up her legs and body. I took her home to clean her up and had to pick gravel and bits of twig out of her elbows. She was lucky she didn't hit her face or teeth. I think she was extremely shaken more than anything, all the mud making it look worse, and Eddie got quite agitated about her crying as well.
We declined several offers to meet friends at the park this afternoon and had a quiet hour at the Cockle Shell pottery painting instead. On Monday we'll be collecting a little pony to add to the shelf.

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