So THAT's why I kept it.
I fancy a bit of a boast. The one thing I both liked and was fair to middling good at - running; I took up Cross-country to avoid being forced to play Cricket. I once ran down to the Coast along the shore road and back up to home - about 11 miles in, also about, One Hour five minutes.
I was picked for the team to run Cross Country for the County, but didn't/couldn't thanks to a ruddy great Carbuncle on my thigh.
I've also run a Steeplechase at "White City" NOT "that one" a Dog track of the Same name.
I was on the team this year, but can't remember what event. I do remember "Lahl Jimmy" (P. T. Teacher) saying we were short of Both a miler and a half mile entrant. I offered to run both, to which he retorted: If you run one properly you'll not be fit for the other. I can't remember which of us made the decision but I ended up dup in the "880" as it the was; two laps of the 440 track. Being more used to many more "miles" I just sort of trundle my way round 1.5 Laps until Jimmy shouted
"Come on Kane this isn't Cross country; at which point, with about 220 to go and me handsomely last, I took off. 10 more yards and I'd have been 1st instead of second.
I can't vouch for it as ±I left that year another - BUT - I was told of an overheard conversation, the following year, along the lines of "Good race that wasn't it?" The answer? "Yea. But did you see Kane last year?"
Fame at last. ;¬ )
Not as public, but, to me, just as memorable. Fire Service Penrith P. T. session; frequently included running round the station perimeter. I heard:
"Look at that B****r he's not running, he's flowing over the ground."
Praise indeed.
I'm in the extra, couldn't pick out the whole page so I just attack the three lines with me in the middle.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -BOAST OVER. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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