Over Yonder

By Stoffel

Start To The Long Weekend

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellow,

We were supposed to be going to Tauranga this weekend!

As Part 2 of Caro's birthday present, I had bought her tickets to see The Little River Band* up there. 

But the concert has been postponed. We've heard nothing more about it which is annoying. The point is that Caro has today off and honestly I couldn't really be much bothered. So we've both had a fairly low-impact Friday. 

This has been punctuated by Jasper. He has become obsessed with a new kind of biscuit. It's all Caro's fault. She keeps them on the glass topped table next to her seat. 

So Jasper has taken to standing on the glass topped table and SHOUTING for biscuits. A couple of days ago, I wasn't moving fast enough so he grabbed the biscuits and threw them on the floor.

JASPER: There! See? Is that so difficult to UNDERSTAND, man???

Caro decided to move the biscuits. But Jasper now associates the glass topped table with them. Even if they are not there, he stamps about and shouts. And throws everything ELSE on that table onto the floor, to make his displeasure known.

He's asleep now. But he's a terror. 

And finally. Here is a picture of a hedgehog. We are seeing fewer of them this year, but they are still regular visitors. We love them.


* The bill also includes Starship, Bonnie Tyler and Boy George.

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