
By brambleblossom


We caught the late afternoon sun in the park , the sandpit was the main draw but then Freya realised she could get a good view of the play area from this platform. She stood , transfixed , for ages , people watching. Just before hand she had befriended a very kind lady who had a tiny( child friendly) Yorkshire terrier. After lots of cooing, aaah-ing and stroking she asked if the dog could sit on her knee . The lady kindly obliged and Freya, to her delight , sat on a big boulder and cuddled the wee dog . Grandpa took some pictures and a video so the moment was caught . It was a Freya based day so not much else to write except that I enlisted the help of the “instant pot”
and made a big vat of Butternut squash to take with us on our weekend travels .

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