Four of my favourite timepieces.
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Looks old fashioned. But has hidden high tech. At the beginning or end of British Summer Time or when putting in a new batterie a radio signal from Germany automatically sets the hands to the correct time.
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My all time favouritr clock face. It can be found on the platform of every Swiss railway station. Its the simplicity which is so appealing. Mrs. K ‘s wristwatch has this face too.
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An iPhone clock which is on my bedside table whilst the phone is recharging at night. Very clear and with minimal light so you are not kept awake.
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My beloved Apple Watch. It would take several pages to list all the dozens of things it can do. My current watch face is analogue but I can choose from dozens of different ones including large digital figures which will be good as my AMD gets worse.
On the current face Ican see the outside temperature, measure my current heartrate, see how much power I have left, show my progress in closing my activity rings, see today’s date plus many other things.
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