Remember Woodbines?
Fridays seem to come round so quickly at the moment ; I don’t know if that is a good thing or a bad thing but it’s an efficient way to get through January, the longest dreariest month in the calendar when outgoings exceed income in a depressing way.
I had every intention of walking into town to buy my loose carrots, sweet potato and parsnip but what is a lady to do when a bus arrives at the bus stop she is walking past? It would take someone with more resolve than I not to jump aboard and that is exactly what I did.
A coffee and the purchases made, it was back home to do the household chores which include the usual one of fighting with the duvet and its cover. I don’t know why I found it more difficult this time but I did and almost ended, hot and bothered, in the cover alongside the duvet.
My good temper was restored by a visit from daughter#2 who had been having coffee in Söderberg with a colleague and saw me passing. I haven’t seen her since Christmas so I caught up with her news before walking part of the way to her home and collecting some blips along the way.
It’s become a bit of a grey day so I’m looking forward to meeting the neighbours for our drinks at the Marriott to welcome in the weekend.
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