Roll With It

By Falmike


Walking boots; I needed new ones, to cut a long story short, Joshua picked some £150 Salomons for £65 from a store in Truro last week. In we went, sale over, but another store offered comparable boots in another half price sale, with Veterans discount it meant they cost £70.
Whilst in Truro Josh and I had a look around Truro Cathedral, Josh looking with fresh eyes, me looking for one thing in particular - and I found it.

St Mary’s Church is the original church onto which Truro Cathedral was added and we have always known that Mrs S’s family has an ancestor connected with the church.
He is Richard S Hassard, Rector 1906 - 1922, I must have walked past this list without seeing it numerous times.

Complete with new boots, carried not worn, we returned home.

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