Starry Eyed Surprise

By bellerock

The trouble with colour.

I don't know, you choose a vegan approved, vegetable based, semi permanent hair colour and it refuses to fade quietly!!

Claire has been trying to wash out the colour she used on her hair way back in May. We gave up trying and made an appointment with trusted friendly hairdresser Kirsten.

We knew it wasn't going to be a quick job and it was estimated to take 4 hours. A long time by anyone's standards.

But the dye refused to die!


The job was done. Don't ask how, bleach baths, stripping, highlights, more colour...

I don't know it's all magic to me.

I'm so proud of Claire and how managed to cope with her anxiety and sensory issues. She was very, very brave.

And of course, Kirsten and her team were fantastic too.

Moral of the story?.......

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