Bibesia (I think)
.... on the late wine merchant's house, Bibesia is the Roman goddess of wine and beverages and banquets and we still remember her when we imbibe something refreshing. Educational eh. The satellite dish makes an nice juxtaposition I thought.
We nipped into Skibbereen today on a quest for a wicker work laundry basket - very hard to find and only rather posh artisanal ones were available with rather posh artisanal price tags. At the last shop I found something very suitable and it was 10% off. We had hearty soup in Ballydehob on the way home, and later I ambled around the circuit
We have just been watching The Breakthrough - a Swedish series based on a true crime which shocked and confounded a small town. Really well done, no convoluted twists or weird detectives but a surprising means of catching the killer. Now we're getting stuck into SAS: Rogue Heroes, the true story of how the SAS was formed, also really well done! We're still only on series 1 here.
Thank you or the love for that small superhuman. I am of course biased but she is something else!
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