Ice ice Baby

Hottest day ever we have held a Conference and boy was it hot......with minimal air con too. I got through about 6 pint glasses filled with ice and several mango smoothies!

A long hot day but I was able to sit in the relatively cool shade and didn't have to sit in on the group sessions.

An air conditioned drive home was lush :)

Home to a visit from MiL - she's lovely but if I don't reply to a text or call she visits........

Midwife called - iron levels have dropped again but all else ok. I have to take the tablets that make me feel crap. I'm thinking I will just take one a day (instead of the recommended two) and take it as I go to bed so hopefully I wake up ok without the nausea etc. worth a try. Ill also be eating lots of green veg :)

you're a lovely bunch thank you for humouring me yesterday :)

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