
By Wildwood

Skeleton Tree

This burned tree, I think it's a Madrone (Arbutus) , has stood since a small fire on the hill burned it about four years ago. It is beginning to show its fragility recently with bits of burned bark falling off and today, a broken branch. We were later than usual taking Spike up to the meadow because John, despite the cold, and the fact that he seems to have lost his warm jacket, wanted to go to the Farmers' Market. I pottered around while he was gone, accomplishing little until he got back.

I was mistaken in thinking that by eleven on a Saturday a lot of people would have moved on to other pursuits, but there were actually more people than usual, out catching the sun once it had emerged from early morning mists and cloud. 

Our previous springer, Emma, was a master at finding  things to roll in ranging from mildly disgusting brackish water, to truly revolting piles of rotting fish guts, left out by thoughtless fisher people , on backppacking trips. We had some pretty horrendous drives home with a reeking dog in the back. Spike, thank goodness, doesn't tend to seek out such delights, but he did manage to encounter something fairly gross this morning. We didn't discover it until we were coaxing him out of the car, so a bath spray with a hose was in order.

Talked with Matt this morning as he was trying to restore order to a house they rummaged through getting together important papers and clothing in case they were evacuated. The 'go bags' weren't needed and, Unfortunately a lot of the things that go into 'go bags' are things that are used every day. Having a bag packed by the door as recommended is a good idea but not something that can be left permanently packed.

Unfortunately 12,000 homes are no longer standing to be returned to., and 27 people have died. There will be a alot of difficult conversations about what to do next, and no matter what they decide, they have a long road ahead of them. My thoughts are with them.

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