I am camera

By Martinski

The Law Man

I grew up watching Denis Law playing for Scotland on a flickering black and white screen in the 1960s. He was the first football player I idolised. He would score a goal with a deft flick of his foot, and swivel  round with one arm in the air, clutching the cuff of his sleeve to greet his team mates. Never mind that the goal was balletic, so was the celebration. He was one of the Manchester United greats of course, but also a very passionate Scotsman if occasionally a thrawn one. When England were playing in the World Cup Final in 1966, he famously spent the afternoon on the golf course. There was something heroic about Denis. He is the only male Scottish footaller to win the coveted Ballon d’Or. He was full of great stories. One of the good guys.

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