2011 photo resolution

By karenanya


The switch around in the house to recreate an office has worked well. It's quite handy for doing other stuff in the computer too. 
I was scanning the recipe book from the old breadmaker before we give the machine away in our buy nothing group. The recipes with the new one are not so varied and not in a nice booklet. The machine is going to a work colleague who happens to be in the same buy nothing group. We've exchanged a few things over the years.  
The buds are on an orchid I bought for 99p in Waitrose a year or so ago. It had lost its blooms and was so dry it looked almost dead. The roots seemed to be OK so I brought it home and tried a bit of emergency care.  It now has about 7 leaves and has put out a flower spike. I'm excited to see what colour the blooms will be.  I've got a few rescue orchids from the buy nothing group too. One is a companion to this one and is almost always in flower and there are two more on my office window. One of those was covered in sticky scale insects when I received it but is now aphid free and looking healthy. 

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